Cinema program "Nerve" in Bydgoszcz
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Runtime: 96 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: adventure / crime / mystery
Release Date: 2 September 2016
Distribution: Monolith
Directed by: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman
Cast: Emma Roberts, Dave Franco, Emily Meade
The pulsating energy of disturbing visionary thriller that explores the temptations and dangers of the world ruled by social media. You have the courage to enter the game? Or maybe you prefer to just watch?
NERVE begins with a simple question: Are you a Player or Seer? On the surface, this innocent online game, which consists in meeting the challenges cast by viewers. However, the rate is growing rapidly, and with it the risk that you need to take to win ... or survive.
VEE has had enough of living in the shadow of his loving popularity friend Sydney. One night I decided to break out of his poukładanego world and travels to New York to take part in Nerve. The game begins with a simple task: you have to kiss a handsome stranger, and then with him to steal something from a luxury department store. Fun is in full swing. Vee and her new friend Ian are becoming increasingly popular among the viewers who are trying to make a conquest rate and coming up with more and more dangerous tasks. Soon, however, Vee realizes that became the object of manipulation. Its Internet accounts are hacked, credit cards locked, and she becomes a prisoner Nerve. This is not a game, a fight for life before the eyes of millions of anonymous viewers.

Movie trailer: Nerve
Your comments
Bardzo fajny i interesujący film,poprostu polecam
Stosunkowo przewidywalny i czarno-biały hollywodzki "moralitet", raczej dla nastolatków. Może być ...
Film warty obejrzenia szczególnie dla młodych, którzy poza "komórką" świata nie widzą i do czego może doprowadzić ciągłe "bycie na topie" w mediach społecznościowych.