Cinema program "The County" in Bydgoszcz
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Production: Islandia/Diana/Niemcy/Francja , 2019
Release Date: 4 September 2020
Distribution: Gutek Film
Directed by: Grimur Hakonarson
Cast: Arndis Hronn Egilsdottir, Sveinn Olafur Gunnarsson, Borsteinn Bachmann
"Far From Reykjavík", a new film by the creator of the blockbuster movie "Rams. An Icelandic Tale ”unfolds again in the stunning landscapes of Iceland. This engaging comedy-drama revolves around rural life, routinely shaken by unexpected events, and at its center will be Inga, so far gentle and humble. When her husband unexpectedly disappears from her life and the protagonist discovers his secrets, sadness will turn into anger directed against the local community. For the first time in her life, Inga will protest and fight alone - with a powerful opponent.
The woman refuses to let her and her neighbors be milked longer by a local cooperative, whose bosses let farmers into a spiral of debt. Like Icelandic Erin Brockovich, Inga goes to war with a pathological corporation and intimidated neighbors who choose silence. Living alone away from Reykjavík takes courage, and a rebellious woman risks a lot. But raised in the midst of harsh nature, Inga discovers that over the years she has carved her character as well. And that there are no sacred cows for her in the local community.
"Far from Reykjavík" unexpectedly woven into the northern melancholy comedy, and she subtly combines the heroine's transformation with changes in her surroundings: winter slowly turns into a spring that heralds new life, the darkness gives way to longer and longer days, and in their light it becomes clear which path to take. And that on this road it is not always worth following the herd.