

Directed by: Jurij Bykow

Cinema program "Mayor" in Bydgoszcz

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Movie poster Mayor
Original title: Mayor
Runtime: 109 min.
Production: Rosja , 2013
Category: drama / crime
Release Date: 8 April 2016
Distribution: Art-House

Directed by: Jurij Bykow
Cast: Denis Shvedov, Jurij Bykow, Irina Nizina

A tragic accident involving a major militia causes a cascade of events that cast doubt on the faith of the most fundamental values.
Shown in the video action uniformed services based on internal systems, corruption and violence, make up the painfully true picture of the world where the right is stronger, and the concept of morality long rozmyło in muddy slush pervasive falsehood. It is a strong, well-executed cinema, invites us to reflect on the nature of man. Does each of us lies dormant beast? How far we are willing to go to avoid responsibility? Where
is the border of humanity?

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